加奈In late September 1975, a renowned Catholic school in Rome for sheltered, upper middle class boys is attacked in what became known as the Circeo Massacre. The film examines what triggered the violence.
加奈In late September 1975, a renowned Catholic school in Rome for sheltered, upper middle class boys is attacked in what became known as the Circeo Massacre. The film examines what triggered the violence.
回复 :影片背景设置在十八世纪末,理性主义让位于浪漫主义的那段时期。主人公是臭名昭著的浪荡子卡萨诺瓦(韦森科·阿泰奥 饰演)和他的贴身男仆(路易斯·塞拉特饰演)。故事讲述主仆二人的生活经历,当时他们与社会名流、艺术家的交往以及在万花丛中的风流史。故事开端于一座法式城堡,最终来到了喀尔巴阡( Carpathian ,位于波兰东南)凄清的山脉,在那里他们遇到了同时代的另一位著名人物:吸血鬼伯爵德古拉(艾力塞乌·胡艾塔斯 饰演)。
回复 :《老爸上战场》的主角是一群居住在英国小镇上的老爷子,他们的身份本是银行职员、小店老板。随着二战愈演愈烈,满怀报国热情的爷爷们没资格参加正规军,却自发组成志愿军团保家卫国,与德国间谍斗智斗勇。这支非正规军引起了媒体的主意,泽塔·琼斯饰演的女记者也来到小镇报道他们的故事。
回复 :The story follows Danika, a woman whose fears for her children are manifested in premonitions of death and disaster. Bierko plays Tomei's husband, while Hall is her psychiatrist and confidant.