亲爱A skilled young female agent is tasked with capturing a rogue former agent before she can unleash a biological weapon starting with the wealthy and powerful purveyors of the international sex trade.
亲爱A skilled young female agent is tasked with capturing a rogue former agent before she can unleash a biological weapon starting with the wealthy and powerful purveyors of the international sex trade.
回复 :American psychologist John Holden arrives in London to participate in a symposium aiming to expose witchcraft and devil-worship as a fraud, with attention centered on a cult run by a Julian Karswell. Debarking his plane, Holden learns that the symposium leader, Henry Harrington, has suddenly died and he is now in charge. What only the audience knows is that Harrington was clearly killed by a demon, apparently summoned by Karswell to avenge his persecution. Despite both threatening and cajoling behavior by Karswell, Holden determines to proceed, though the only cult member willing to talk about his experiences is in a prison psychiatric ward, catatonic after allegedly killing yet another cult member. However, Harrington's niece, Joanna, believes, based on her uncle's notes, that Karswell may indeed have some satanic powers derived from an ancient tome in an obscure language which he has been able to translate, and attempts to warn the skeptic Holden. Karswell's mother also attempts to warn Holden off. However, the thing which begins to most get to Holden are the occasional, but mounting, sensory and mental disturbances he begins experiencing after an encounter with Karswell, and the discovery that, during this encounter, Karswell secretly slipped a slip of parchment with a curse in runic symbols on it into Holden's belongings, a parchment identical to one Harrington recorded having had passed to him in a similar manner shortly before his death... [N.B. Holden at no point stays at the Karswell estate].
回复 :为了恢复嗅觉并找回爱人,这名警探与一个为调制出完美香气不择手段的调香师展开合作
回复 :《空中浩劫》(Air Crash Investigation)是一个由加拿大的Cineflix公司所制作的纪录片节目。此节目主要介绍1970年代黑盒子发明之后所发生的近代重大航空事故。在第三季时,有三集穿插铁道事故及航海事故。此节目在不同频道播出有不同的英文名称,于加拿大的Discovery频道播出时称为“Mayday”,在美国播出时称为“Air Emergency”,而在英国、法国和其他国家播出时称为“Air Crash Investigation”。《空中浩劫》会以模拟演出的方式,分别以乘客、机师等不同人的视角,从一开始旅客登机、起飞,一直到事故发生、后续善后及调查为止,重现整个过程。在片中会穿插对于乘客及机师的访谈(若有生还者且其愿意受访时),另外也会访问空难调查人员、目击者等。取材以事故调查报告及相关新闻报道为主;若因调查单位不公开报告以致无法取得事故调查报告时,则会征询相关专家的说法以拼凑出全貌。此节目对于飞机外观、空服员制服、机场等制作考究,但也并非100%做到与当时完全一样,偶有不相符之处,如波音737驾驶室变成空中客车A320驾驶室。模拟演出时,会找与当事人相貌近似的的演员参与。