:Dear Brigitte is one of the funniest comedies from the 1960s, about a tone-deaf, color-blind boy genius with one interest: Brigitte Bardot. James Stewart plays professor Robert Leaf, a typical college professor (when speaking of college professors typical means liberal, but this was 40 years ago and labels change). Leaf teaches poetry, lives in a houseboat in San Francisco, vocally opposes nuclear power and progress in general. He has an original way to make the family stick together - family concerts. His daughter calls him square. Leaf's 8-year old son Erasmus is played by Billy Mumy (Sammy the Way Out Seal, Lost In Space, Bless The Beasts & Children, Three Wishes). Leaf hopes to find artistic genius of some sort in his only son, and nurtures him in music, painting, literature, etc. But Leaf is disappointed, to put it mildly, when it turns out Erasmus has a gift for math, can out-think the colleges newest computer, instantly compute horse-race winners. I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but Erasmus had been writing to Bardot regularly, and after the family comes to depend on his ability, his love-sickness causes a mental block. Glynis Johns (Father's Delicate Condition, The Cabinet of Caligari, Mary Poppins) plays Leaf's wife. Ed Wynn (Requiem For A Heavyweight, Mary Poppins) is a neighbor / captain / narrator. Other cast include Fabian, Cindy Carol, John Williams, Jesse White, Jack Kruschen, and James Brolin in an early bit part. Brigitte Bardot appears at the end.
:在神秘的阿鲁普斯雪山上,K大学登山部的几名成员离奇失踪。为了寻找同伴,登山部其他成员在搜查主任(千葉一郎 饰)的带领下进入山中寻找遇难者,经历了无数艰难险阻,然而真正的磨难还等在前方。某晚,队员们遭遇了传说中的雪男(相良三四郎 饰),名叫饭岛高志(宝田明 饰)的年轻人紧紧追赶,却被靠捕捉动物牟取暴利的大场(小杉義男 饰)一伙推落山崖。饭岛得到原始部落女孩知花(根岸明美 饰)的救助,然而又被蒙昧的村民吊在悬崖之间。以此为机缘,饭岛得以雪男,并对这个长着恐怖丑陋面容的怪物有了新的认识。另一方面,大场则试图捉住雪男大发其财……本片根据香山滋的科幻小说改编,因涉及原始部落近亲相奸等敏感话题,导致相当长一段时间发行受阻,直到2009年才以各种媒介的形式广泛发行。