回复 :武林高手仇子玉(郭追 饰),本已退隐江湖,但正气未泯,应武林大豪屠一(李艺民 饰)之邀,联手对抗四大巨盗,夺回飞龙璧物归原主。谁知屠只是利用「鹬蚌相争,渔人得利」的局面夺取该璧据为己有,事成后仇亦惨遭毒手……
回复 :In 2014, director Richard Linklater released Boyhood, a fictional coming-of-age saga that was filmed using the same cast across twelve years. This film mirrors that concept: creating a real-life epic of boyhood and manhood that follows the same individual over 20 years, living in one of the most dangerous countries in the world. When we first meet Mir, he is a mischievous boy of seven living in a cave in central Afghanistan alongside the Buddhas of Bamiyan, two statues that were recently destroyed. For two decades, the film follows the adventures of his life, until, as an adult with a family of his own, he decides to pursue his own career as a news cameraman in Kabul. More than just a personal journey, My Childhood, My Country is an powerful examination of what has – and has not – been achieved in Afghanistan over the past 20 years.
回复 :凯撒大帝(高夫莱德·约翰 Gottfried John 饰)带着他强大的军队南征北战,无往不利,却在一个高卢人聚居的部落里里吃了瘪,原来,部落里的巫师帕罗拉米(Claude Piéplu 饰)发明了一种药剂,只要一滴便能教人拥有强大的力量,而阿贝里斯(克里斯汀·克拉维尔 Christian Clavier 饰)在一次意外中跌落到了药剂中,因此拥有了无穷无尽的怪力。阿贝里斯凭借着自己的特异功能保护着部落,这让占有欲极强的凯撒感到十分愤怒。他拍虎了将军德利托斯(罗伯托·贝尼尼 Roberto Benigni 饰),命令其带兵攻打部落。然而,德利托斯早就有了叛变之心,他不仅软禁了凯撒,还绑架了帕罗拉米,想要利用他的药水实现自己征服世界的野心。