回复 :剧情介绍:
回复 :Four young men leave boyhood behind and shed more than just their clothes and inhibitions in Writer/Director Daniel Armando’s new film. Shy Manuel and gay, adult video star Max travel to New York City for a video shoot. Manuel's older brother, Jorge, dances away the emotional toll of an abusive relationship while Fabian, a young Puerto Rican hiding his homosexuality, navigates the world of a first-time father. When the worlds of these four men collide, they explore the depths of their sexuality and find their lives changed forever.
回复 :抗日战争爆发的前一年,为讨好日本人,国民党高参王子敬找到京城最大的紫檀家 具店“旭东”的掌柜陈竹云,要他想办法打造一套皇帝的龙椅,雍正耕织柜的仿品,被陈竹云断然拒绝。不巧陈竹云的儿子陈汉昌意外被关押,王子敬以此为条件逼“旭东”在3个月内仿造完龙椅和雍正耕织柜。又找来京城第二紫檀家具店“橍铭和”做监工。“橍铭和”掌柜大喜,欲借此事整垮“旭东”。