回复 :故事发生在一九五零年代的泰国.一桩黑市珠宝买卖之中,探员区肥威被黑社会头子查天雄所杀.伟的女儿真真誓要代父报仇.真真得伟之好朋友耶大歌,梅菜及豆豉之帮助,联手用计对付查.此时,查亦雇用贼人偷取自己的珠宝向保险公司诈取保金,却被苗等捷足先登,取去珠宝.苗等偷龙凤,将假珠宝埋在田间,并广布消息,引查到来......
回复 :都柏林市好客的三姐妹,每年都在家举办新年宴会,亲朋好友籍此机相聚畅谈,均感快慰。宴会散席之后女主角在楼梯间听到男高音清唱的一首爱尔兰古老的情歌,忆及年轻时她的情人爱唱的同一首歌。在回到旅馆之后,坦然向丈夫道出情人为她殉情而死的往事,令丈夫惊觉到:原来他对太太的了解是那么少!而人的心灵又是如此幽黯深远!
回复 :A documentary on the history of garlic. Blank interviews chefs, garlic lovers, and historians about the their love of the 'stinking rose.'Often referred to as a stinking rose, garlic, in its culinary uses, generally evokes a love it or hate it response. Quite often, these responses are on cultural lines, where old world cultures have generally revered it in their cooking, while new world cultures have not. A renaissance of sorts is taking place in the use of garlic in the United States, with more and more immigrants bringing their use of the spice to the country, with more people desiring more spice in their food, with a desire to get back to the land and with the production of plant a large part of the Central California landscape. Many chefs are presented preparing dishes prominently featuring the spice. On the bad side, the association of garlic to bad breath is discussed. On the other side, its purported health benefits are also discussed. Other topics presented include its association to vampirism, and speculation of how people will want their garlic to be presented to them in the future.