回复 :环卫所女工青姐目睹了一场车祸,肇事者开车逃逸。向警察提供了肇事现场的信息后,却不料这是辆套牌车,案件变得迷离。青姐的神经再次被事故现场的画面所震撼。良心苦苦挣扎后她决定追寻肇事者。这时,她收到一个装满现金的信封,告诫她,彻底抹去交通事故的记忆。事情越来越接近真相,肇事司机也渐浮水面,正是儿子同学的爸爸,青姐收到一封恐吓信,儿子魏恒被打,当家人都以为是意外时,只有青姐知道这意味着什么!
回复 :In July 2016, Islamic terrorists stormed a popular café in upscale Dhaka and held its patrons hostage, killing more than 20 people and sending shockwaves across the subcontinent. Faraaz is the youngest son of a rich, politically connected family. That evening, he meets his friends at the café and finds himself caught in the crossfire. How he reacts to the nightmarish situation forms the heart of the story. Offsetting nail-biting tension with unexpected humour – often at the expense of inept law-enforcement officials – Hansal Mehta (Aligarh, LFF 2015) brings his trademark sensitivity, nuance and empathy to this fictionalised retelling. It is particularly striking for the way it looks at religious extremism from the perspective of Muslims who have seen their faith questioned and demonised because of the actions of radical extremists.
回复 :1898年的加拿大,克朗代克淘金热正持续燃烧。夏末之时,艾米莉·迈耶(妮娜·霍斯)与六位同样来自德国的移民一道,从铁路最北端的阿什克罗夫特火车站出发,向着不久前发现金矿的育空地区道森市进发。为了节省开支,这些毫无经验的淘金者选择了一条从南向北横穿全国的路线。但在路上他们发现,途中地形复杂,自然条件十分严酷。七人集团也在途中逐渐分崩离析......