回复 :Trevor is a 16 year old, sometimes-violent skinhead with no regard for authority, and would rather spend his time stealing cars than sitting in the detention centre to which he is sent. His social worker, Harry Parker, tries to do his best, but Trevor is only interested when there's something that he can get out of it. The authorities within the centre try to make Trevor conform to the norms of society, but he takes no notice, and would rather speak in a torrent of four-letter words and racial abuse.
回复 :才情旷世、桀骜不驯的苏联芭蕾舞巨星雷里耶夫,是兼具自信、欲望与野心的白鸦,坦然放荡于双性之间。影片将他在西伯利亚铁路呱呱坠地,以至在巴黎 演出期间投奔西方的经历前后交接;在恩师普希金眷顾训练下,成为全球首屈一指芭蕾舞男星。赖夫费恩斯(《狄更斯的隐密情人》,38 届)演而优则导,舞坛新星奥力伊凡高首次担纲,配搭“芭蕾坏男孩”瑟基普鲁尼,借新一代光华, 向不朽芭蕾男神致敬。
回复 :路易、丹和Kelliah三名学生在一个最佳法国商业学校进行了培训,以使他们成为明天的精英阶层的决心……