春暖Set on Christmas Eve in a small convenience store near the bottom of the socioeconomic food chain where a hostage situation breaks out over a $156 million lottery ticket.
春暖Set on Christmas Eve in a small convenience store near the bottom of the socioeconomic food chain where a hostage situation breaks out over a $156 million lottery ticket.
回复 :In the lawless West, The Cowboys a notorious brotherhood of killers and thieves reigned over the land with brutal fists and fast guns. Fate had finally caught up with them - and now the merciless gang has but a single surviving member. When a deputized gunslinger takes up the call to hunt down the last Cowboy, the chase is on and the bullets fly and only one of these hardened men can survive.
回复 :FPS鼻祖《毁灭战士》曾拍摄过真人版电影,由巨石强森、卡尔·厄本主演,虽然影片中劲爆的第一人称画面非常炫酷,但该片依然评价拙劣,不过随着B社全新重启的《毁灭战士》游戏震惊四座之后,环球正式宣布重启真人版电影,就像《古墓丽影》重启电影那样。
回复 :嫉恶如仇、生性暴烈的鲍旭得知父亲被人陷害致死,决心查出事情真相,为父报仇。然现实否定了他一切猜想,赵捕头不是真凶,真凶确是知府王大人,他监守自盗,勾结枯树山土匪。鲍旭决定亲手手刃仇人,为父报仇。