回复 :由湖南经视倾情制作的少儿益智成长类节目,每期节目都将召集来自五湖四海的“好少年”。他们将用才艺阐述更好的自己,用实验探索更广阔的天地,向世界say hi。打造少年榜样,展现孩子的独特个性,培养孩子表达自我的自信,倡导在体验中共同成长,在探索中填涂世界!
回复 :Mrs. Brown's Boys became a runaway success upon its initial broadcast. Every episode aired won its timeslot for RTÉ, with an average viewership of 753,500 in January, 2011. One episode's rating beat that of RTÉ's own ratings giant The Late Late Show, with 856,000 viewers tuning in to watch. However, critics disliked the show. "The whole thing is entirely predicated on viewers finding a man dressed as a foul-mouthed elderly woman intrinsically funny," noted Bernice Harrison in the Irish Times. "If you do, you’re away in a hack (and the viewing figures are astronomical), but if you don’t, and you think that died out with Les Dawson and Dick Emery, then it’s a long half-hour." The Irish Independent said that Mrs Brown's Boys was the type of TV programme that "that makes you vaguely embarrassed to be Irish". The Daily Telegraph's Sam Richards noted that show's comedy has a "rudimentary nature", consisting of "an old-fashioned blend of silly voices and slapstick, played out in front of a live studio audience who collapse into giggles at the mere mention of the word “willy”.
回复 :日前的#东方卫视开放大会#上, #极限挑战#总导演严敏介绍第四季,继续亲民暖综的路线,坚持做国民综艺、坚持结构性喜剧、坚持做一个需要思考的节目。