回复 :康烨,体育系毕业一年。通过好朋友介绍来到城市任职一名健美教练,通过网络与兼职模特Taylor合租房子。合租期间两人擦出爱的火花,康烨得知自己活在Taylor前男友的影子里,让他对Taylor的感觉飘忽不定,同是健美教练的谢可儿深爱着康烨,狂热的追求康烨。Taylor父母强制让Taylor与门当户对的沈建旭订婚,看不起康烨,Taylor无意看到康烨与谢可儿同床,愤然离去。最终,康烨放不下Taylor,下定决心抢婚……
回复 :陈中明与妻子陆宇琳和儿女一家四口人生活在大山深处,生活却将他们推入了各自不同而又无法掌控的道路,陈中明到城市承包的房子工程烂尾,陆宇琳成了单亲妈妈,芸梦,云扬成了留守儿童。
回复 :A wanted murderer, Billy John, is captured by Ben Brigade, a bounty hunter, who intends to take him to Santa Cruz to be hanged. Brigade stops at a staging post, where he saves the manager's wife from an Indian attack, and enlists the help of two outlaws to continue his journey more safely. However, the Indian attacks persist, the outlaws plan to take Billy for themselves, tempt...