回复 :一队盗贼使用一种药物,使他们能够与未来的自己交换意识,以窃取明天的秘密。
回复 :Captain Ambrose comes from a long line of distinguished sailors...but is all too susceptible to seasickness. After the war, he buys himself a nautical command on shore; a decrepit amusement pier at the British resort town Sandcastle-on-Sea, whose prim town council has outlawed arcade games as a form of gambling! Running the pier like a naval vessel, the captain's determination to make it a modern, going concern meets steady opposition. But with an unexpected new ally, he pursues a remarkable scheme to liberate his ship from land authorities...
回复 :阿宝热爱田径运动,是一名业余田径运动员,为了能成为专业运动员,她参加了,由著名田径运动 员纪政组织的集训队。纪政为田径队请来了一名冷酷无情、以铁手腕著称的女教练,从此阿宝和她的队友们开 始了艰苦卓绝的运动员生活。后来她们和女教练产生了越来越多的矛盾,直到她们最后赢得冠军,才明白了教 练的苦心……