回复 :七大罪又译《七原罪》,七大罪全集动画改编自日本漫画家铃木央所著漫画《七原罪》。七大罪动画全集讲述的是在虚构的大陆『布里塔利亚』上的国家『里昂妮丝王国』,王国的圣骑士们为了准备传说中的圣战而进行军备强化,然而圣骑士团的诸多暴行使得整个国家民不聊生,甚至发动政变囚禁了国王。担忧着国家现状的第三王女『伊丽莎白』,将救国的希望寄托于十年前因涉嫌颠覆王国而被通缉的骑士团『七大罪』从而独自踏上寻找的旅程。
回复 :Pororo and friends are back! This time, they present exciting adventures and friendship in Hammer Town deep in the forest, featuring dragons, wizards, and the colorful Dragon Castle. Arthur, the Great Dragon King, cursed for forgetting the importance of friendship, loses the Dragon Heart, and turns into the Little Dragon. Pororo and his friends meet Arthur and are sent to the Dragon Castle by Ged the Wizard, who wants to steal the Dragon Heart and become the new Dragon King. Being with Pororo and his friends, who fight Ged to save friends in danger, Arthur realizes the importance of friends and the need for sincerity and sacrifice to protect them. This film is familiar yet fresh and fun, with brilliant performances from Pororo and his friends as well as some new characters, such as the Little Dragon, the Dragon Army, and the Robot Dragon.
回复 : 聂离以为银翼世家家主制药为由,带着司空易的亲信离开领地。领地外,聂离和段剑联手制服了他们后,回到银翼世家领地引爆炎爆铭文,被监禁的伙伴们和奴隶借机逃离。银翼世家受到重创,聂离一行人顺利回到光辉之城。