回复 :为弘扬民族正气,精武英雄陈真(甄子丹 饰)当年在上海虹口道场击杀日本武术高手。在此之后他更名改姓,背井离乡,远赴法国务工。一战后陈真化名齐天元,重返阔别已久的祖国,并以实业家的身份结识了上海大亨刘禹天(黄秋生 饰)及性感妖艳的夜总会女郎KIKI(舒淇 饰)。刘张扬跋扈,大发战争财,但尚存中国人的骨气;KIKI表面单纯,实则是日本女间谍,长期潜伏夜总会搜集情报。一战虽然结束,但战争的阴影远远没有散去。陈真加入秘密的抗日组织,并希望争取到刘禹天的支持。与此同时,以皇军大佐力石猛(木幡龙 饰)为首的暗杀军团开始向爱国志士痛下杀手。鱼龙混杂、暗流涌动的上海滩,已是黑云压城,暴雨将至……
回复 :What price conscience? Abigail Disney's directorial debut, THE ARMOR OF LIGHT, follows the journey of an Evangelical minister trying to find the courage to preach about the growing toll of gun violence in America. The film tracks Reverend Rob Schenck, anti-abortion activist and fixture on the political far right, who breaks with orthodoxy by questioning whether being pro-gun is consistent with being pro-life. Reverend Schenck is shocked and perplexed by the reactions of his long-time friends and colleagues who warn him away from this complex, politically explosive issue. Along the way, Rev. Schenck meets Lucy McBath, the mother of Jordan Davis, an unarmed teenager who was murdered in Florida and whose story has cast a spotlight on "Stand Your Ground" laws. McBath, also a Christian, decides to work with Schenck even though she is pro-choice. Lucy is on a difficult journey of her own, trying to make sense of her devastating loss while using her grief to effect some kind of viable and ...
回复 :为了替母亲刘慧兰(叶德娴 饰)洗脱不白之冤,律师刘志鹏(刘德华 饰)不惜假公济私,最终因为妨碍司法公正而丢了工作,两情相悦的恋人亦选择了离开。更糟糕的是,刘志鹏遭到对手陷害,沦为谋杀探员的罪魁祸首而遭到了拘捕。让刘志鹏没有想到的是,指证他的目击证人不是别人,正是他失散多年的亲生父亲陈兴。为了拯救儿子,刘慧兰苦苦哀求丈夫,还刘志鹏清白。在公堂之上,陈兴良心发现,更改了口供,与此同时,真凶亦落入法网,有十足的证据证明,刘志鹏与这一连串的犯罪事实没有任何关系。走出法院,刘志鹏得知刘慧兰因病住进了医院,命不久矣,最终,她在安宁与幸福中走完了人生的道路。