回复 :铁蛋(杰拉尔·德帕缔约)是个大话痨,与人聊天不分时间、场合和对象,也因此他没有朋友,在监狱里一个接一个的换着室友,直到他遇到总也不说话的杀手卢比。铁蛋可以一直对卢比说下去,卢比(让·雷诺)不说话,不生气,脑子里总在策划越狱。尽管卢比的越狱计划天衣无缝,却不想被铁蛋死死的黏住,可也正由于铁蛋的帮忙,两人在混乱中逃了出去。卢比心中还有为女友复仇的计划,然而铁蛋只是想永远和卢比做朋友,开一个餐馆。一个喋喋不休,一个喊着要对方闭嘴。两个人在逃亡的途中,冲突不断,笑料迭出。
回复 :两兄弟陪同一群视频博主寻找一个神秘的岛屿。但他们找到岛屿后,却发现了一个又一个可怕的秘密。
回复 :Two sisters on the cusp of adulthood, Elle and Joy, spend their last week before embarking on their next music tour visiting friends and preparing for the going away party they intend to host. Their apprehensions about throwing the party are universally validated when their divorced mother and father as well as both of their ex-boyfriends converge on the party, leaving tragedy in the wake of what they had envisioned as a unifying celebration. In the aftermath of this fateful night, Elle and Joy are left with the sobering yet liberating truth that they can only rely on one another.