回复 :香港人辉(陈坤 饰)给一个阔太李太当司机,他娶了一个深圳女人婷(田原 饰),两人已经有了一个女孩,但是婷又怀上了二胎,为了不用交超生罚款,辉想让婷去香港产子。他奔波在各个医院,却被告知已经没有空的床位,而找中介公司却要花费20万元的巨款,辉尝试了各种方法......辉的老板李太(刘嘉玲 饰)生活在上层社会中,老公事业有成,女儿在国外念书,生活无忧。可是有一天,她的丈夫Leo不知所踪,Leo名下的账户都被冻结了。为了维持生计,李太只能变卖股票和家里各种值钱的东西,来维持表面的风光生活......辉终于等到了机会,李太让他开车载她去深圳办事,而在回来的路上,发生了一件让李太始料未及的事情......
回复 :David's comfortable world is turned upside down when his birthmother unexpectedly reaches out to him, longing to meet the 18-year-old son she's only held once.
回复 :In the heart of America's opioid epidemic, four men attempt to reinvent their lives and reenter society sober after years of drug abuse. Recovery Boys, from Academy Award nominated director Elaine McMillion Sheldon (Heroin(e)), is an intimate look at the strength, brotherhood, and courage that it takes to overcome addiction and lays bare the internal conflict of recovery and the external hurdles of an unforgiving society.