亚洲Parajanov's diploma film for the VGIK, based on the Moldavian fairy tale by Emilian Bukov.A young shepherd is given a magical instrument from a giant.
亚洲Parajanov's diploma film for the VGIK, based on the Moldavian fairy tale by Emilian Bukov.A young shepherd is given a magical instrument from a giant.
回复 :格斯(约翰·卡索维茨 John Cassavetes 饰)、哈里(本·戈扎那 Ben Gazzara 饰)和亚奇(彼得·福克 Peter Falk 饰)是青梅竹马的玩伴,他们携手度过了天真无邪的童年时代、意气风发的青年时代,如今,三人都已经步入了中年,有了各自的家庭,也不约而同的感受到了中年危机所带来的的压力。三人共同的好友斯图尔德(大卫·罗兰兹 David Rowlands 饰)如发心脏病去世的消息传来,震惊了三人组,他们搭上了飞往伦敦的飞机,去参加好友的葬礼。斯图尔德的死让三个男人开始重新审视起各自的生活来,他们突然发现,也许他们正在经历的一切,并不是人生的最优选择。
回复 :Two girls grow up as best friends in an Innu community. While Mikuan has a loving family, Shaniss is picking up the pieces of her shattered childhood. As children, they promised each other to stick together no matter what. But as they're about to turn 17, their friendship is shaken when Mikuan falls for a white boy, and starts dreaming of leaving the reserve that's now too small for her dreams.
回复 :联产承包后,胶东某地农村。支部委员牛百岁(梁庆刚饰)把别的组不要的五个有各种缺点的人归拢到自已组里,人们戏称“懒汉组”。菊花(王馥荔饰)的女儿叶儿(范旭霞饰)的对象王小山(孙剑饰)听说未来的丈母娘进了“懒汉组”提出分手。百岁的妻子秋霜(丁一饰)听说百岁年轻时和菊花好过,隔墙大骂“狐狸精”。牛天胜(钱勇夫饰)用新良(解衍饰)偷来的钢筋搭兔窝被牛四(杨子纯饰)发现,气得上山打兔子去了。这真是一波未平又起一波,百岁怀着一颗诚心感化这几个人,同时又对秋霜诉说他和菊花的往事,终于冰释前嫌。在劳动过程中,天胜和菊花产生好感,而田福(陈裕德饰)却从中插一杠子。秋后,玉米丰收了,没有完成定额的田福跑到百岁家,拿石头砸了他家的锅......