中文The documentary examines and chronicles the years following the 2011 murder of 12-year-old Garrett Phillips and the subsequent trial of Clarkson University soccer coach Oral "Nick" Hillary.
中文The documentary examines and chronicles the years following the 2011 murder of 12-year-old Garrett Phillips and the subsequent trial of Clarkson University soccer coach Oral "Nick" Hillary.
回复 :Story of an Indian boy's love of cricket in Mumbai, and his discovery that the game isn't as pure as he thought.
回复 :一个关于女性、爱、相遇、离别与重逢的故事。离别八年后拉克尔与玛露重逢于小岛,玛露把自己藏匿于此,独自舔舐伤口。面对当初不告而别而如今突然来访的爱人,玛露隐忍八年的爱与怨一齐涌上心头。她们各自将怎样面对这次重逢,重逢牵出的旧情又有何归处。每个人都藏匿于一方容纳能自己的天地,每人都有自己的藏身之所。人人各自藏匿,最卑微的自我,最真实的情感,在最脆弱的时候,给自己茧,藏起来。微博@弯弯字幕组
回复 :在动物的神秘世界里,广袤的土地上正发生着怎样的故事? 跨越不同地域,探访特殊地貌环境下生活的动物们,全景展示不同生态环境下人与动物的奇妙故事。由南至北,从西向东,从海洋到高原,跋涉森林与热带雨林,通过各种极致的自然地貌,探寻人、动物、自然的和谐共生。