孤独A fast-paced, high concept thriller following a 20 something layabout, who over the course of a day, is forced to make his way across an increasingly strange and sinister London, in order to save his kidnapped girlfriend.@www.molikan.com
孤独A fast-paced, high concept thriller following a 20 something layabout, who over the course of a day, is forced to make his way across an increasingly strange and sinister London, in order to save his kidnapped girlfriend.@www.molikan.com
回复 :新皇登基,朝局不稳,边关将领韩忠携子韩超回朝维稳。恰逢此时,手握边关兵符的六王爷惨死,为防止兵符出城,皇上下令封闭城门三日。同时为安民心,亲派韩超等人查获六王府命案,以三日时间为限。随着案件的深入调查,一桩17年前的惨案浮出水面,“红衣诡影”传闻响彻京城。凶手真实身份扑簌迷离,案件越发诡秘离奇...
回复 :Mike Locken is one of the principal members of a group of freelance spies. A significant portion of their work is for the C.I.A. and while on a case for them, one of his friends turns on him and shoots him in the elbow and knee. His assignment, to protect someone, goes down in flames. He is nearly crippled, but with braces is able to again become mobile. For revenge as much as anything else, Mike goes after his ex-friend.
回复 :舞台助理阿星(黄耀明 饰)打算帮助好友演出,不料登台前突发意外,阿星只好在后台找到临时帮忙的Icy(李丽珍 饰)合作救场,二人配合默契,但此后却失去了联系。多日以后,阿星在Icy工作的唱片行终于找到了这个令他惦念的姑娘,二人对彼此的好感日渐增长,但阿星习惯了随性的生活,虽然要有去美国的想法,但没有执行计划的信念,Icy虽然中意阿星,但后者的飘忽令她颇为不满。Icy平日与前任男友以及一组三兄弟合组乐队,怀揣音乐梦想的Icy等人一直在寻找机会,终于,Icy用小计策成功向唱片公司经理推销了自己的音乐,得到了发唱片的机会,与此同时,阿星也开始为了能去美国演出刻苦练舞,可Icy渐渐对阿星失去了耐心……