回复 :2009年6月25日,这可以说是全球音乐界的巨大损失。迈克尔·杰克逊(迈克尔·杰克逊 Michael Jackson 饰),全球瞩目的流行音乐巨星在这一天就此陨落。原本,计划在2009年夏天举行的名为“This is it”告别演唱会,也无法如期与歌迷们见面。不过,在此之前迈克尔?杰克逊为了此次的演唱会,进行了大量的彩排工作,并亲力亲为的为选曲、编排、舞蹈、灯光等多个环节把关。整个过程,都被详实的记录了下来。没有了现场的演唱会,导演肯尼?奥特加就利用这些排练片段搭配上天王的传世名曲,为全球的乐迷们在大银幕上呈现出了一场完全不一样的演唱会。这不单单是一部纪录片,这是对这位天皇巨星献上的最后的缅怀……用平凡的片段,展现着巨星真实、超越常人的一面。
回复 :A man is on a hiking trail in a California desert, when he notices his car is missing. As he searches around, he follows a wandering boy and eventually ends up in a remote cabin occupied by a young woman. A strange dynamic between the two occurs, along with several violent encounters with menacing boys holding the woman captive. As the man realizes the calculated trap he is fallen into, it is too late to avoid the horrific outcome he will be subjected to.The Seeding is a daring, nightmarish feature debut by writer/director Barnaby Clay, whose noted music video works include songs by Gnarls Barkley, “YYYs”, and more. This slow-burning shocker tackling toxic masculinity and our fear of isolation effectively presents the steps of deterioration in a man’s psyche upon being faced with desperation and a battle for survival. As a newcomer, Barnaby Clay is a director to be reckoned with. (Jongsuk Thomas NAM)源自:https://www.bifan.kr/eng/program/program_view.asp?pk_seq=6523&sc_category_seq=6018&sc_num=1&actEvent=view
回复 :荷莉(Julia Goldani Telles 饰)等女孩到好朋友凯蒂(Annalise Basso 饰)参加过夜聚会,闲聊过程中,他们得知同级的另外几个男孩正密谋召唤瘦长鬼影。瘦长鬼影是流传在民间的一个恐怖传说,据说他长手长脚,看不清面容,专门引诱、绑架小孩子。胆大好奇的女孩们无所畏惧,从网上找来了召唤瘦长鬼影的视频做大胆尝试。是夜相安无事,可就在一周后的课外教学活动中,凯蒂神秘失踪。事后从凯蒂父亲的哭诉中,荷莉隐约感到好友的失踪和她们曾进行过的召唤仪式有关。她们进入凯蒂的房间,查询电脑记录时发现好友在失踪前曾看过许多关于瘦长鬼影的视频。或许那个传说中的怪物真的存在……