以为人生走到绝路,却被鬼带上岔路。地狱倒楣男阿纬(曾敬骅 饰)举目无亲无依无靠,老板跑路工作也丢了,万念俱灰下只想结束自己倒霉的人生,没想到不仅死不成还被4个冤鬼缠身,衰上加衰!经过发发大师“降落”指点,只要完成4鬼遗愿就可以送他们安心上路,于是阿纬只好心不甘情不愿开始一段帮鬼圆梦的超级任务。过程中和救护员筱茵越走越近,阿纬的命运被这群鬼带到一条全新的岔路……
以为人生走到绝路,却被鬼带上岔路。地狱倒楣男阿纬(曾敬骅 饰)举目无亲无依无靠,老板跑路工作也丢了,万念俱灰下只想结束自己倒霉的人生,没想到不仅死不成还被4个冤鬼缠身,衰上加衰!经过发发大师“降落”指点,只要完成4鬼遗愿就可以送他们安心上路,于是阿纬只好心不甘情不愿开始一段帮鬼圆梦的超级任务。过程中和救护员筱茵越走越近,阿纬的命运被这群鬼带到一条全新的岔路……
回复 :14-year-old Jimmy (played by Tyrell Williams) practices kung fu. For the lion dance, which is performed out on the streets, he is determined to hold the head of the lion. But when his teacher, the sifu, announces the new crew, his dream comes crashing down. He has to make do with the tail end, while the talented newcomer Li Jié (Haye Lee) is given the coveted place. Jimmy does all he can to become number one and earn his place up front with the head. But this means he has to defeat a number of annoying bullies, convince the sifu of his qualities and, especially, overcome himself.Williams, a former Dutch karate champion and Lee, a kung fu practitioner, jump and kick in their first feature film. Kung fu leeuw is an exciting film for young people about the challenges of growing up – which are easier to face when you’re armed with the wisdom of the martial arts. Filmmaker Froukje Tan uses Rotterdam as the backdrop for the lion dance, highlighting the less obvious traditions of the city.Previously, Froukje Tan made the feature films Swchwrm (2012) and Links (2008), and the short Het jongetje dat niemand verstond (2002).
回复 :貌美肤白大长腿的职场精英沈若柳眼看就要突破30岁的大关,却还是孤身一人。白灵眼看着好闺蜜干着急,决心要为沈若柳制造各种“邂逅”的机会。在一次白灵男友——公司副总凌霄举办的晚宴中,沈若柳巧遇了凌霄的好哥们、多金帅气电力十足的“小狼狗”郝帅,郝帅对沈若柳这个轻熟御姐一见钟情,陷入爱河无法自拔。在白灵的神助攻之下,郝帅对沈若柳展开了猛烈的攻势。与此同时,原本如胶似漆的白灵与凌霄感情竟然突发变动,情感危机一触即发,二人的未来变得模糊不清。谁料霸气御姐竟遭劫持,郝帅、凌霄、白灵三人在废旧地下室救下沈若柳。这场危机之后,白灵、凌霄二人感情开始回暖,而在“小狼狗”郝帅的攻势下,御姐沈若柳的防线渐渐瓦解……
回复 :空巢老人常为戒(倪大红 饰)和拾废品的孤寡老太李慧如(惠英红 饰)不打不相识,却渐渐互生情愫;年迈的谢定山(梁家辉 饰)、赵欢欣(叶童 饰)夫妻俩靠收卖废品为生,妻子赵欢欣更是一直深受疾病的困扰……四位老人,两对爱人,在步入生命终章之时,他们用力而纯粹地相爱。哪怕不再有明天,也要对彼此说出那句“我爱你!”。故事改编自韩国同名漫画。