回复 :小女孩拉克希米,梦想在全国舞蹈比赛中,赢得“印度之傲”的称号。而背后,则有父母的恩怨情仇,和对手及设置迷魂阵的电视台搅局……
回复 :一个充满了报复心的人,用牢固的Kevlar合成纤维为自己打造了全身盔甲,开始了一场杀人狂欢。
回复 :No matter how much he devotes to his sport, veteran boxer Urita remains in the blue corner – the domain of the underdog in the ring. Despite on a permanent losing streak, his meticulous analysis of fights benefits Ogawa, a gifted talent and champion hopeful, and Narasaki, a timid rookie, both gaining strength and confidence under his discipline. Punching his 30 years of boxing experience into the screenplay and the choreography of action sequences, director Yoshida Keisuke uppercuts a realistically crafted drama that underscores the passion, sacrifice and camaraderie in the world of combative sports.