回复 :村民们要参加一年一度的蔬菜大赛啦,他们培育出来的蔬菜超级棒,不料却招来了害虫——野兔的骚扰。野兔身材高大,神出鬼没,村民们一筹莫展,唯有请来捉兔专家华理士。当然,华理士的爱狗勒密特也在捉兔队伍之列。华理士和勒密特设计出各色各样的捉兔工具,村民以为大可放心时,华理士却犯了一个严重的错误:他竟然错误操作机器,让自己和野兔的思想发生对调,闹剧更加轰轰烈烈。互换了身份的华理士和野兔,如何让自己回到原来的世界,而野兔就注定要被除掉吗?
回复 :A young man who wants to be a novelist, Hikari, has been working in a small bar in a bar since the evening. The store's beautiful mom, Mirei Yokoyama, had an inner husband, but one day she is in prison and frustrated, and one day she has a relationship with Hikari. On the other hand, Kanae Shiratori (Chinami Sakura), who has been secretly aware of the talent of light since college, was a magazine editor, so she published a novel of light to her boss so that she could see the sun. One morning, under the light resting on a park bench, a woman named Akane Akane in a glittering costume appears barefoot and is asked to hide herself after chasing her.
回复 :“暴食”、“贪婪”、“懒惰”、“嫉妒”、“骄傲”、“淫欲”、“愤怒”,这是天主教教义所指的人性七宗罪。城市中发生的连坏杀人案,死者恰好都是犯有这些教义的人。凶手故弄玄虚的作案手法,令资深冷静的警员沙摩塞(摩根•弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)和血气方刚的新扎警员米尔斯(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)都陷入了破案的谜团中。他们去图书馆研读但丁的《神曲》,企图从人间地狱的描绘中找到线索,最后从宗教文学哲学的世界中找到了凶手作案计划和手段的蛛丝马迹。凶手前来投案自首,这令众人都松了一口气,以为案件就此结束,怎料还是逃不出七宗罪的杀人逻辑,这次凶手瞄准的目标,是那个犯了“愤怒”罪的人……