免费Combining the comedic forces of Jeff Ross and Dave Attell, and filmed at New York's Comedy Cellar, the series features zingers, audience roasts, celebrity cameos, and mic bumps.
免费Combining the comedic forces of Jeff Ross and Dave Attell, and filmed at New York's Comedy Cellar, the series features zingers, audience roasts, celebrity cameos, and mic bumps.
回复 :注:部分集数是一集为两集合并任職於火腿公司的中田草介(草弓剪剛飾演),是個平凡到不能再平凡的上班族。既沒有特徵,也沒什麼可取之處,只知道每天認真工作,最大的夢想就是與心愛的女人共組幸福家庭。有一天草介獨自留下來加班,卻赫然發現平時可望不可及的超級巨星桐島光子(藤原紀香飾演),竟趴在公司桌上睡覺!雖然兩人只說了幾句話,對草介而言已經猶如登天美夢。沒想到幾天之後光子突然召開記者會,宣佈自己正以結婚為前提,與草介甜蜜戀愛中!兩條永不交會的平行線,真能假戲真做、激發出愛情火花嗎?本劇由縱橫電視、廣告界的性感女王藤原紀香,與日本人心目中好好先生第一名的草弓剪剛,貼切詮釋男女主角。搭配演技精湛老到的綠葉:筧利夫(大和拜金女)、戶田惠子(庶務二課)、勝村政信(HERO),以及清新甜姐兒長谷川京子,演員群多層次而豐富。更集結了「HERO」、「大和拜金女」的幕後製作團隊,共同打造「愛上大明星」成為浪漫、輕快又夢幻的愛情喜劇!
回复 :从吉祥寺的信仰中解脱出来吧,这里不仅有东京街道的风情介绍,还有芥川奖作家每集的世界观全开。不管你有什么样的故事,东京那么大,一定有你的容身之处。
回复 :When a young woman's murder shows similarities to a decade-old cold case, (a cruel and gruesome murder of a young student, which remains unsolved) a new Police Commander (Commissioner Michal Trela) must break the silence permeating an Owl Mountain town. Years later another crime is committed similar to the decades old cold case. Commissioner Michal Trela faces a wall of silence from the Owl Mountain community, where everyone seems guilty - Will he be able to solve the crime or will it become another cold case?