回复 :The women who married Henry VIII have become definednot by the way they lived but by the way their lives ended.They are seen as victims of a bloated tyrant, deserving pity, but notrespect. However, have we under-estimated them and are historians right tohave merely portrayed them as bit-part players in Henry's story?Using dramatic reconstruction and passionate narration,eminent historian and presenter Dr David Starkey focuseson the stories of the women themselves, revealing inintimate detail their experiences of sex, childbirth and the glamorous,dangerous life at court, including the deadly intrigues that dethronedthem.
回复 :Creator of "Sons of Anarchy" Kurt Sutter presents stories of real American outlaws, touching on everything from L.A. gangs to the Italian Mafia.
回复 :故事发生在一个人族、魔族和神族和平共处的世界之中。土见禀(杉田智和 配音)是一个非常平凡的男孩,自幼失去了父母的他和青梅竹马的好友枫(后藤邑子 配音)生活在同一屋檐下,虽然禀只将枫当成是妹妹一样疼爱,课时枫对于禀的感情早已经超越的了友情。一天,神王和魔王带着他们的女儿们降临在了人间,在机缘巧合之下,两个女孩邂逅了禀。她们一个是性格活泼开朗人见人爱的西亚(青木静香 配音),一个是知书达理文静内敛的奈莉奈(永见遥 配音),禀必须在她们两人之间选择一人作为未婚妻,面对两个娇俏可人的女孩,禀会做出怎样的选择呢?