欧美Victor Meldrew is a retiree with an attitude who seems to attract bad luck. If he's not driving his long suffering wife Margaret crazy with his constant moaning, he's fighting with his neighbours.
欧美Victor Meldrew is a retiree with an attitude who seems to attract bad luck. If he's not driving his long suffering wife Margaret crazy with his constant moaning, he's fighting with his neighbours.
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回复 :姚学琛(林保怡 饰)记忆力超群,曾经跟一神秘女子习过记忆技巧,加之赴美国学习犯罪心理学,遂成为一名非凡的“读心神探”。所谓“读心”就是能够从人的一言一行洞察其内心的真实想法,学琛凭借这项能力屡破疑案。学琛工作的警局也有着错综复杂的关系:对学琛“读心”能力颇有微词的新人何礼贤(黄宗泽 饰)竟背地里与其妹贝儿( 陈茵媺 饰)交往;另一位离异同事叶展婷(田蕊妮 饰)对学琛颇有好感。但在学琛内心深处却有一个不为人知的心理阴影——少时曾经亲眼目睹自己的父亲因意外而死,后随母亲改嫁在一个不健全的家庭成长。岂料,某日学琛“死去”的父亲竟然意外出现……