热门根据Nathan Pyle的漫画《奇异星球》改编。
热门根据Nathan Pyle的漫画《奇异星球》改编。
回复 :《书画里的中国2》邀请演艺界明星、书法家、专家学者等作为节目嘉宾,每期以不同主题来开设“茶画会”,从不同的角度鉴赏和解构作品隐藏的艺术价值,深入浅出地讲解书画背后的历史故事和文化知识,带观众揭秘隐藏在画中不为人知的文化知识。
回复 :《#16bit的感动#》是漫画作者“#若木民喜#”与“#甘露树#”、“みつみ美里”合作连载的科普向、全年龄向漫画。漫画部分由“#若木民喜#”若木负责,角色设计方面则由另两位负责。本作背景为上世纪90年代的美少女游戏业界,以上原芽衣子的视角感受那个时代的发展与变迁。该漫画宣布动画化~
回复 :Sex workers Holiday, Endza, Cayenne, and Jessie give clients intimate experiences ranging from the pleasurable to the painful. In the process, they give a deep dive into their personal lives.Following these four sex workers in Seattle, Sex Next Door is a documentary with unprecedented, uncensored access into the sex work industry. The series pulls back the curtain on an often stigmatized profession, resulting in a candid, surprising glimpse into its workers' relationships with family, clients, and partners.