国产A pregnant women on bed rest begin to wonder if her house is haunted or it's all in her head.
国产A pregnant women on bed rest begin to wonder if her house is haunted or it's all in her head.
回复 :An English school teacher outposted in Africa has a run in with the local witch doctor and suffers a nervous breakdown. After recovering back in England she takes a job teaching in a small country town hoping to make a new start for herself. All goes well at first, until she starts to hear some disturbing stories about the town. She soon discovers the town is home to a coven of witches and they plan to sacrifice a local girl in one of their rituals.
回复 :盖伊(法利·格兰杰 Farley Granger 饰)拥有一段并不幸福的婚姻,他的妻子乔伊斯(凯茜·罗杰斯 Kasey Rogers 饰)是一个水性杨花的浪女,盖伊对妻子的不忠恨之入骨。布鲁诺(罗伯特·沃克 Robert Walker 饰)常年受到专横的父亲安东尼先生(乔纳森·哈勒 Jonathan Hale 饰)的压制,忍无可忍的他逐渐起了杀心。就是这样的两个倒霉男人,他们在一列火车上相遇了。互诉衷肠之后,布鲁诺提出了交换杀人的建议,企图给警方造成无动机的假象。盖伊以为布鲁诺只是开玩笑呢,不置可否,哪知道没过几天,乔伊斯竟然真的死于非命。布鲁诺完成了他的承诺,下面轮到盖伊了。
回复 :在一次万圣节鬼屋之旅的五个晚上,一场莫名其妙的故障导致15名游客和工作人员死亡,一位纪录片摄制组又回到悲剧现场,去发现究竟发生了什么。