回复 :潘金莲天生丽质,自小被卖作丫鬟,后被逼嫁丑汉武大郎为妻。大郎弟松天生神勇,以醉打白额虎扬名,莲见松高大英俊,竟向他大胆示爱,松严词拒绝,并为避嫌,远走他方。富商西门庆见莲貌美,收买淫媒王婆引莲入圈套。莲恼松不解温柔,毅然与庆通奸,庆为绝后患,接纳王奸计,毒杀大郎。松得悉兄长遇害,往杀奸夫淫妇,为兄报仇。改编自[明]施耐庵《水浒传》。彩色综艺体弧形阔银幕影片。
回复 :主要内容 卫校毕业的李鸿燕嫁到穷困 的苗寨,为了给村民们带来健康, 也为了维持生计,她创办了一个诊 所,但是村民宁愿相信巫师,也没 有人相信这个从卫校毕业的汉族小丫头。面对村民的不理解,以及好 事者的风凉话,李鸿燕在丈...
回复 :A mysterious man, Dean, returns to his hometown of Grimsby after many years abroad in the Army. His arrival is met with animosity, particularly from his father, an avid pigeon racer. Dean is drawn back to confront his demons, and confess a secret to a childhood friend, Jess, only to discover she has been struggling since the untimely death of her husband. Whilst attempting to raise her child and battling a crumbling economy and dearth of opportunities, she is pulled into a harsh underworld. Dean must help her, throw her a lifeline, but the situation only darkens. When their lives are threatened he will do all it takes to make sure she is safe.