回复 :『1970年,全世界都知道贝尔法斯特是个分裂的城市,附近邻里都变成贫民窟了,但是我对这一切毫不知情。我的世界就只有这麽大而已——四面牆和几条安静的街道,不过那是在我认识米奇寳之前』『1970年,全世界都知道贝尔法斯特是个分裂的城市,但是我对这一切毫不知情。直到事实像火车一样碾过……』本片根据欧文麦卡菲帝著名的舞台剧拍摄而成,讲述了七十年代北爱尔兰两个少年的故事,一个来自天主教家庭,一个则是清教徒背景,原该水火不容的他们却跨越了边界,成为血盟结拜兄弟。他们学著当时正在上映的《虎豹小霸王》,决定离家抢银行做大事......
回复 :在《男人女人和孩子》中,有经常浏览色情网站的父亲,有痴迷于Guild Wars(激战2)的儿子,还有误入歧途的母亲。小说探讨的是在互联网视讯如此发达的当下,美国家庭所面临的性压力,以及美国社会“不牢靠的情感文化”。
回复 :Jennifer Shannon can always find a diamond in the rough, when it comes to garage sales, that is. Whether it's a new antique to sell at her consignment shop, an Atari game for her son or a piece of furniture for her handy husband Jason to refurbish, she has made a career out of her treasure hunting prowess. When a string of burglaries hits her town, Jennifer's keen eye for detail and her natural problem solving instincts even help her see the connection between these burglaries and local garage sales! Jennifer works with Detective Adam Iverson to investigate her theory that the perpetrators of the burglaries are fellow garage sale regulars. The case escalates to dangerous levels when Jennifer discovers the dead body of her friend. Even though the deceased's husband, Ben Douglas, finds nothing missing in their house, and the police label the death as accidental, Jennifer suspects that the death may be related to the burglaries.