回复 :诸国割据、战乱频生的五代十国。后唐被后燕所灭,公主(李嘉欣)在柳若雄(李子雄)及赛小菁(杨丽菁)夫妇保护下逃亡,其父临终前,将一支藏有宝藏秘密的玉箫相交,公主找寻到宝藏便可复国。路上三人走散。公主误入夏侯谷,邂逅原是后晋太子的夏侯瑭(刘锡明),他正被姑姑(惠英红)所逼,苦练可以复国的独孤九剑,他的灭国仇敌正是公主。但因没有说破身份,两人反在后者的几番舍命相救生出真爱。柳若雄则被燕国师(刘洵)所擒,后者以利益作诱饵,令他生出叛逆之心。
回复 :The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful backing of the authorities. A man collects evidence to flip him upside down when he was helpless to stop his endless torture.
回复 :The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful backing of the authorities. A man collects evidence to flip him upside down when he was helpless to stop his endless torture.