回复 :A young girl lives with her mother in an isolated mountain cabin. Mother dies, the girl also has a child. No father is present. A friendship is formed with another woman but things start to become twisted. Paranoia and delusions follow
回复 :Largely unchanged for more than a century, the projection of photochemical film faces an uncertain future in the digital age. The practice of handing and projecting film is in danger of being lost; and the role of film projectionist is nearing extinction. THE DYING OF THE LIGHT explores at the history and craft of motion picture presentation through the lives and stories of the last generation of career projectionists. By turns humorous and melancholic, their candid reflections on life in the booth reveal a world that has largely gone unnoticed and is now at an end. The result is a loving tribute to the art and romance of the movies-and to the unseen people who brought the light to our screens.
回复 :鲁南张庄,86岁老人林郭氏,身体硬朗,在农村老宅独自生活。林郭氏突发脑血栓,身体状况逐渐恶化。子女积极为老人操作敬老院入住事宜。敬老院床位紧张,只有等待敬老院有老人去世,按照老人的意愿,开始了到子女家轮流居住的短暂旅程。这一过程中,林郭氏中风摔倒,脑神经损伤,得了笑病。 敬老院终于有老人亡故,空出床位。却在去敬老院的前夕,林郭氏怀揣着全家福老照片溘然长逝。按照老风俗,儿孙们给她办了一场轰轰烈烈的喜丧。 生活重新开始,又是在重复昨天的故事……