回复 :Young Felix grows up as an inside spectator at cycling races, a bizarre environment where violence and drugs seem to reign. Following his father's footsteps, Felix discovers that his body is not made for the game
回复 :第三次世界大战在1998年爆发后,地球已成为了一片废墟,几名战后幸存者过着狼狈的逃亡日子。在一个偶然的机会下,他们找到了被政府遗弃的研究设施,并以那里当做自己的地下基地,然而他们并不知道,和他们一起生活的还有一只突变的可怕怪兽,它的唾液可以将人腐蚀致死。幸存者们面临前所未有的困境……
回复 :Midah, Rohayu and Ani are three widows who happen to be die-hard-fans of singer Aiman Zalini. When the singer's last concert is announc ed, the three ladies try and do everything they can to raise the money for the tickets. They concocted an additive-free, all natural, and non-tobacco vape juice business. Their vape formula proves to be a success and they make enough for the concert tickets. However, unbeknownst to them - their all-natural vape juice has turned many drug addicts sober and this is causing a demand issue for the drug cartel bosses. This in turn starts a zany and hilarious chain of events that will change the ladies' lives forever.三个寡妇决定购买演唱会门票,去看她们最喜欢的歌手,于是开始做起电子烟液的生意,这令当地黑道大佬十分不悦。