回复 :A man wakes in an empty suburban house with no memory and blood smeared on his arm. As he frantically washes off the blood, he discovers that it is not his. He finds sticky notes around the house that read: "Don't stay in this room." "Don't go outside." "Don't go downstairs." Confused, he tries to follow the cryptic messages, ultimately discovering two things. Memories of a mother and daughter that he is somehow connected with, and also a demonic presence living in this suburban house. As he gets closer to solving the mystery of why he is there, the demon grows stronger, testing his will to survive.
回复 :影片主要讲述了老嘎的出现,搅动了丐帮,也让苏灿对他产生怀疑,帮主大选,各长老觊觎,最不想得此位的阎长老才是最大的阴谋者,而老嘎却是揭穿他的那个最有故事的人,最终救得苏灿一命的人的故事。
回复 :故事发生在一幢地处偏远的豪华饭店之中,爱丽丝(吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson 饰)和亚当(丹尼·戴尔 Danny Dyer 饰)正在进行一场充满了浪漫气息的完美约会,情到浓时,无法自持的两人决定开溜,前往一条荒无人烟的小路。灾难就在此时毫无征兆地降临了,一帮穷凶极恶的歹徒将亚当打到,美丽迷人的爱丽丝在枪支的威胁之下惨遭强暴。这件事情在爱丽丝和亚当的心中留下了深深的阴影,警方的无能给予了两人除了暴力和伤害之外的第三重打击,久久无法释怀的他们决定自己拿起武器,进行复仇。一把枪,一个绝望的男人和一个痛苦的女人,一个正在悄然浮出水面的阴谋,亚当和爱丽丝最终能否寻得他们所谓的正义呢?