求视A young Abigale Archer alone in the Montana winter during the 1870s who fights for her survival and to retrieve her one earthly possession, a family horse, from a gang of bloodthirsty bandits
求视A young Abigale Archer alone in the Montana winter during the 1870s who fights for her survival and to retrieve her one earthly possession, a family horse, from a gang of bloodthirsty bandits
回复 :George Harvey Bone is a composer in early 20th century London, who is under stress because he is writing a piano concerto. Due to this stress, he gets black outs when ever he hears dissonances. When he finds himself after the black out in a different quarter of the town, he returns home, to read in the paper that somebody in that quarter was murdered. Asking help from a doctor at Scotland Yard he is assured that he has nothing to do with it, but he is advised to cut back in his work and get some relaxation like other, ordinary people. At a cheap musical he meets Netta, a singer, who inspires him for a new motive for his concerto. But Netta discovers that this motive could also be used as a song for her. The song gets sold, and she hangs around George to get more songs out of him. George believes that Netta is in love with him, and gets in an argument with his girlfriend Barbara, the daughter of Lord Henry, who wants the concerto for one of his souares. George has another black out, ...
回复 :女大学生为了帮父母准备结婚纪念日的礼物,女大学生上野夏美(佐津川爱美 饰)拜托好友仓桥有里(山本美月 饰)帮忙将结婚录影带刻录成DVD光盘。谁知在购买中古录像机的过程中,她们却意外入手了传说中的诅咒录影带。看过录像后,夏美遭到贞子的诅咒。二人连忙求助于专门研究都市传说的教授森繁(甲本雅裕 饰),然而事态朝着意想不到的方向发展。与此同时,高木铃花(玉城蒂娜 饰)随父母搬到了佐伯家的对面。小学生失踪事件让铃花十分在意,她因此成为伽椰子和俊雄的猎物。为了解除两大女鬼的诅咒,异端法师常盘经藏(安藤政信 饰)决定让贞子和伽椰子来一场史无前例的恶鬼大对决……
回复 :方秀英(李岚 饰)是纺织车间的一名女工,她和男友曾强(毛永明 饰)相恋多年,就等着单位给他们分配房子后就打算结婚。方秀英是一个非常善良而且乐于助人的姑娘,一次,她和男友到城隍庙买衣服,偶然捡到了一个无家可归的孩子,方秀英坚持要帮助这个孩子寻找家人,可是她的好心却并没有换来嘉奖,反而被诬陷成为了偷孩子的小偷,可是这一切对于方秀英来说都不是个事儿。之后,工厂发生火灾,方秀英冒着生命危险关掉了电门扑灭了大火,成为了救火英雄。可是之后,她却亦被怀疑成为这场火灾的肇事者。因为这件事情,曾强和方秀英之间大吵了一架。