求视A young Abigale Archer alone in the Montana winter during the 1870s who fights for her survival and to retrieve her one earthly possession, a family horse, from a gang of bloodthirsty bandits
求视A young Abigale Archer alone in the Montana winter during the 1870s who fights for her survival and to retrieve her one earthly possession, a family horse, from a gang of bloodthirsty bandits
回复 :Autumn 2015. Two Spanish lifeguards, Oscar and Gerard, travel to the Greek island of Lesbos after seeing the heart-wrenching photograph of a little boy drowned in the Mediterranean Sea. They arrive to discover a shocking reality: thousands of people risking their lives every day by trying to cross the sea in the most precarious of vessels, fleeing from armed conflicts and other miseries in their home countries. But the thing that stands out most is that no one is doing any rescue work. Together with Esther, Nico and other members of the team, they will fight to do the job that none of the authorities are doing and provide support to the thousands of people who so badly need it. For all involved, this first trip will turn into an odyssey, one that will change their lives forever.
回复 :萨曼莎的母亲去世后,她悲痛欲绝又怀着身孕,科琳的突然出现让她精神振奋。科琳是萨曼莎失散已久的祖母,她突然出现,减轻了萨曼莎的痛苦,并引导她度过了怀孕的起起落落。尽管她最好的朋友艾米和她的丈夫布拉德提出了警告,萨曼莎还是一头扎进了她的新恋情。一切都很好,直到科琳黑暗的过去显露出来,她被迫为自己和家人的生命而战。
回复 :一次朋友间的聚会,导演兼地产商的罗先生(张兆辉 饰)从港岛西重案组女督察猫姐林妙翠(张文慈 饰)那里听来一宗女童虐杀案:11岁女童被生母李碧琪(唐宁 饰)打死,警方在调查过程中发现女童长期遭人性侵。李碧琪对误杀生女之罪供认不讳,但对于女生被自己的同居男友曹永强(彭敬慈 饰)性侵一事表示毫不知情。警务处助理处长王瑞芳(邵美琪 饰)现身西区警局,并亲手对嫌疑人李碧琪展开审问。李碧琪对于纵容同居男友长期性侵女儿一事置口否认,王瑞芳与几名手下在审讯室对李碧琪施行种种酷刑,但李碧琪始终毫不松口。拘留所里,企图自杀李碧琪被值班警员及时发现送往医院救治,王瑞芳在家中忆起一段发生在自己家中的不堪回首往事。第二天,王瑞芳赶往医院看望李碧琪,终于从她口中得知一个让人唏嘘不已的故事……