  时间:2024-09-17 03:59:47

Martin(基弗·萨瑟兰 Kiefer Sutherland 饰)因无法跟自己11岁的自闭儿子Jake(大卫·马宋兹 David Mazouz 饰)交流而烦恼,盲人多次尝试都以失败告终。Jake总是面无表情,盲人一整天独自捣腾报废的手机,通过拆解、摆弄零部件的方式来看这个世界 。Jake的事例引起社工Clea(古古·姆巴塔-劳 Gugu Mbatha-Raw 饰)的注意。她拜访了Martin的家,指出Martin的全部生活已经被一个他再也无法控制的小孩所支配。决定要让政府来介入解决这个家庭问题。当Martin发现Jake拥有预见事情的能力,和掌握着连接任何事物的模式后,一切都改变了。实际上Jake一直在通过数字与人交流。现在Jake需要他的父亲Martin去破解这些数字的含义,似乎这些数字影响着他们的命运......




回复 :Set to broadcast in two one-hour films, this family treat is inspired by the classic books of Barbara Euphan Todd and is pegged to be the TV event of the season. Mackenzie Crook has taken Scatterbrook farm and the infamous characters of this well-loved tale and injected them with a tender and authentic charm. This is the perfect family adventure, packed with a fun, mischievous spirit and delivered with an environmental message.Mackenzie Crook, (Pirates Of The Caribbean, Detectorists) who has written, directed and stars as Worzel Gummidge, has gathered a host of both accomplished and brilliant actors who are set to appear in this eagerly anticipated adaptation.Playing The Green Man, creator of the scarecrows, who arrives to Scatterbrook in episode two, is comedy legend Sir Michael Palin. He says: “It’s a lovely part for me, but the whole script is very memorable and touching, and very funny too. It quite skillfully weaves in something for everybody all the time.”Zoë Wanamaker (My Family, Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone) will play the eccentric local aristocrat, Lady Bloomsbury Barton in episode two. She says: “The whole thing is so charming and inventive. It’s the sort of thing I’d watch. I’m sure it will be a huge success. I know it will - it’s divine.”Vicki Pepperdine (Getting On, The Windsors) takes on the role of the formidable Aunt Sally in episode one. She says: “There’s something for everybody. It’s got this heart to it, and you’d be hard pushed as an adult not to engage with it.”Steve Pemberton (League Of Gentleman, Benidorm) will play Mr Braithwaite, the farmer. He says: “This is the kind of show the whole family can enjoy together. It has a lot of humour, a lot of visual humour too, and I think kids will enjoy watching the children being central to the story.”Rosie Cavaliero (Gentleman Jack, Cleaning Up) will play Mrs Braithwaite, she added: “It’s a story about the imagination, and children escaping into this different world. Mackenzie’s version is totally contemporary.”Ones to watch India Brown (Hetty Feather) and Thierry Wickens (making his TV debut) will play Susan and John, two city children spending their summer at Scatterbrook farm who quickly befriend Worzel and begin a summer of adventures.The first episode, The Scarecrow Of Scatterbrook, sees two young strangers arrive in the village of Scatterbrook. It’s not long before Susan and John encounter Worzel Gummidge, the Scarecrow of Ten Acre Field. Their world is sent spinning into confusion when they realise Gummidge comes to life. The only person more shocked is Worzel, when he discovers that the children are not in fact fellow scarecrows but humans.Their worlds should never commune but fate has conspired to create an extraordinary union. The seasons have stopped and the harvest hasn’t arrived. The rhythm of the natural world is out of kilter and this unlikely trio must try to put it right. Magic, mystery and mayhem unfurl.The second episode, The Green Man, welcomes another mysterious arrival to Scatterbrook. The Green Man is the creator of scarecrows and keeper of scarecrow lore. He isn’t at all happy that Worzel is consorting with humans. Elsewhere, local aristocrat Lady Bloomsbury Barton is holding a fete, with a Scarecrow competition that Worzel is determined to win. What will The Green Man and Worzel's most competitive rival, Soggy Bogart make of it all?Worzel Gummidge is written and directed by Mackenzie Crook and is a Leopard Pictures, Treasure Trove Productions and Lola Entertainment production for BBC One. It is Executive Produced by Kristian Smith for Leopard Pictures, Lisa Thomas for Lola Entertainment, Mackenzie Crook for Treasure Trove Productions, with rights holders Patrick D. Pidgeon and Eric S. Rollman executive producers for Pidgeon Entertainment, Inc. It is produced by Georgie Fallon and Alex Moody is the Commissioning Editor for the BBC.Further casting:Francesca Mills - Earthy MangoldTim Plester - ClartyColin Michael Carmichael - Soggy BogartAndrew James Spooner - Flat AlistairPhil Hulford - Hannah HarrowTom Meeten - HMS OdneyChristopher-Robert Barlow - Rag BagKiran Shah - Chopper and Root BoundCharlie Mayhew - Rustle SprouterLucy Montgomery - Jackie PuddingGus Brown - Oswald PollypopMalik Ibheis - TrikeBen Langley - DriverMariam Haque - Receptionist



回复 :原著:《七种武器之霸王枪》+ 《飞刀又见飞刀》张国荣饰方浩天(李坏)张曼玉饰段柳儿(方可可)谢贤饰方存信杨泽霖饰方存仁(李曼青)刘江饰方存智李国麟饰章伟其他演员:张雷、夏萍、上官玉、蓝天、梁洁芳、欧阳耀泉(即欧阳震华)、马嘉丽、潘宏彬、梁洁华、黄造时、关礼杰、司马燕、冯志丰、朱璧汶、李国麟、吴孟达、吕有慧、傅玉兰、梅兰、朱铁和、朱刚、区岳哥哥生前为数不多的武侠电视剧之一!张国荣与国际影后张曼玉倾情献演!此出独一无二的作品是在1985年推出,当年的张曼玉才出道不到2年,小兔牙还未磨平,模样十分可爱,而哥哥在戏中演的虽然是意气风发的少侠,外型却是唇红齿白的白净书生,与风流倜傥的谢贤争夺张曼玉,剧情相当紧凑 。值得一提的是许多香港观众都对此剧念念不忘,原因是结局非常震撼,张国荣所饰演的方浩天在最后身亡,台湾播出后恐怕又将使得许多人情绪失控、热泪盈眶,只能说是戏如人生! 除了张国荣、张曼玉之外,还有很多台湾观众熟悉的演员如谢贤、吴孟达等也都参与了演出!绝对值得收藏《武林世家》故事源自以制造军器而闻名江湖的方家,方家表面风光,却暗藏种种权力斗争。浩天(张国荣)乃方家长子方存仁(杨泽霖)之私生子,与父相认后,助他打理家业,因此被卷进斗争漩涡。西域柳城公主段柳儿(张曼玉)往中原采购军器,因而结识了浩天,并互生情愫。浩天厌恶家族斗争,与柳儿之间亦频生误会,倍感孤立无援,顿萌去意。存仁此时病逝,三叔存智(刘江)及四叔存信(谢贤)逐藉机逼害浩天,肆意弄权,存信更横刀夺爱……...



回复 :嘉庆年间,皇上与皇后前往热河行宫避暑,并许诺归来后将于中秋佳节之季晋如妃(邓萃雯饰)为贵妃。然而此时宫外却疯传对如妃不利的传言,靠在宫中打听消息取利的撷芳殿奶娘湘菱(蔡少芬 饰)和公公马新满(韦家雄 饰)等人亦卷入其中。而这一切却是如妃的妹妹,也就是年少守寡的淳太妃(伍咏薇 饰)所为。如妃听之任之,只愿有朝一日能解开心结。并暗中笼络亲生孩儿五阿哥的奶娘湘菱和太医杨梓轩(曹永廉 饰)一齐照顾五阿哥,以保守钮祜禄一族的秘密。为讨淳太妃欢心,如妃要求南府在戏单上加唱一曲《牡丹亭》。手忙脚乱之际,公公马新满只得让在府中教戏的章和班代为上台。却不料京中名伶高流斐(陈豪 饰)一唱成名,宫中女子多芳心暗许,如一粒石子投入紫禁城平静的湖心。本剧为《金枝欲孽》第二部,讲述另一个时空的后宫风云。



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