回复 :Barnaby and DS Ben Jones investigate the death of Simon Bright who is found dead inside an old World War II vintage Humber parked at an abandoned airfield. From all appearances, the death appears to be a suicide, but the pathologist determines that the man suffered a severe blow to the dead and may in fact have been unconscious when he died of carbon monoxide poisoning. Simon Bright's girlfriend, Laura Sharp, is nowhere to be found, but the death of the aging village Lothario and the attempted murder of another of her friends narrows the list of possible murderers somewhat. Barnaby is convinced that one of Laura's ex-lovers is responsible but given her rather active life, the question becomes which one?
回复 :Web of Make Believe: Death, Lies and the Internet tells stories of people caught in the dark and twisted web of modern misinformation and digital deception. Haunting, bizarre and up-to-the-moment relevant, the series explores consequences of "SWATing", takes a chilling trip down the rabbit hole of white supremacy, joins a Federal hunt for the suspect of a brazen IRS heist and dives into Russian election interference. Rich with distinctive characters and surprising plotlines, reality is distorted when the ordinary American household collides with a chaotic web of misinformation.
回复 :日本“中央TV”电视台附近,一家名叫“曼哈顿”的咖啡馆。店长(松冈昌宏饰)是位对咖啡异常执着和钟爱的男人,外表沉默内心如火。他用心地为客人调制每一杯咖啡,然而光顾曼哈顿咖啡馆的客人却很少会仔细品味他的咖啡。这些形形色色的客人来咖啡馆的目的不尽相同,却都借着曼哈顿咖啡馆来休息或聊天,找一处安静又私密的空间。因为地处电视台附近的缘故,电视台的人常会打扰这家小店的宁静。他们有编剧千仓真纪(森下爱子饰)、配音员土井垣智(松尾铃木饰)、播报员江本诗织(酒井若菜饰)等等。各式各样行业的客人进出着曼哈顿咖啡馆,而每位客人都有着属于他们自己的故事。由日本著名编剧宫藤官九郎编剧的11集电视剧《曼哈顿爱情故事》,荣获2004年“第39回日剧学院赏”最佳作品、最佳导演、最佳编剧在内的八项大奖。