中文字幕线Tired of being bullied, Cassandra Evans prays that her nemesis, Katie Sharp, the queen bee of social media, would know what it's like to walk a day in her shoes. Her prayer is answered in an unexpected way when they get "Switched."
中文字幕线Tired of being bullied, Cassandra Evans prays that her nemesis, Katie Sharp, the queen bee of social media, would know what it's like to walk a day in her shoes. Her prayer is answered in an unexpected way when they get "Switched."
回复 :A couple living in a Los Angeles suburb is compelled to take dangerous actions when they discover the police officer that has just murdered an unarmed motorist is their next door neighbor.
回复 :草根县令伍四六奉命到辽东清河赴任,赶上特大荒旱,他 在千方百计解救灾民的同时与贪官污吏展开斗争,为了揭 露金知府伙同廉亲王侵吞朝廷救灾银两之恶行,伍知县冒 死给皇上送去了“请罪奏折”,惩治了贪官。...
回复 :改编自全球畅销励志作品《秘密》。故事描述独自扶养三个孩子的寡妇米兰达(凯蒂荷姆丝 饰)在一场风暴过后,雇用了一名水电工布雷(乔许卢卡斯 饰)修缮受损的住家。 在闲暇之余,布雷会与米兰达分享他的人生哲学“吸引力法则”,布雷相信只要打从心底渴望某件事物,宇宙自然会有力量助你心想事成、梦想成真……