回复 :贫穷混乱的伦敦街头,混杂着妓女和各色人物,玛丽(海瑟•格拉汉姆 Heather Graham饰)、安妮(乔安娜•佩姬 Joanna Page 饰)和其他几个妓女在这滩浑水中结成深厚友谊。然而,罪恶的魔爪正在伸向她们——这个躲在暗处的杀手,绑架甚至杀害这些姑娘。探员艾伯林接手这宗案件,他天生拥有超能力,这对他破案有着不小的作用。艾伯林(约翰尼•德普 Johnny Depp 饰)来到案发地区,渐渐掌握了线索,同时他也被玛丽善良的品质深深吸引,与她共坠爱河。但凶手的行动令妓女们陷入了恐慌之中,能否查出真凶,成为摆在艾伯林面前的迫切难题,而艾伯林也堕入了一个更大的漩涡之中,危机四伏。
回复 :While driving through the desert with his wife Carol Marvin to a military base to send the eleventh rocket to the orbit of Earth for helping the exploration of the outer space in the Operation Sky Hook, Dr. Russell A. Marvin and Carol see a flying saucer and accidentally records a message in their tape recorder. Once in the base, Dr. Russell is informed by his father-in-law and general that the ten first satellites had mysteriously felt on Earth. When Dr. Russell decodes the message, he encounters the aliens that ask him to schedule a meeting with the leaders of Earth in Washington in 56 days with the intention to invade Earth without panicking the population. Dr. Russell develops an anti-magnetic weapon that becomes that last hope of human race against the hostile aliens.
回复 :美国边陲的新英格兰小镇上,一个名叫托马斯(Fabrizio Jovine 饰)的神父上吊自杀,他的死导致地狱之门洞开。居住在纽约的灵媒玛丽通过感应看到了这一切,她深知地狱之门打开的恐怖后果,慌乱之中竟摔下楼去。警察认定玛丽已经死亡,第二天将其下葬。名叫彼得•贝尔(Chirstopher George 饰)偶然经过公墓,听到墓地中传来的呼叫,终于将玛丽解救出来。彼得从这个灵媒口中得知,地狱之门是魔鬼进入人间的必行之路,如果不及时关闭,万圣节那天将有成千上万的幽灵和鬼魂充斥人间,为害世人。为了保护无辜的生命,彼得和玛丽共同前往地狱之门的所在地……