教师阿志(郑伊健 饰)自小怕水,国产一次溺水被人鱼小美(钟丽缇 饰)所救,国产小美体内的珍珠却被阿志误吞下肚。失去了珍珠的小美无法回到大海,只好假扮学生进入了阿志所在的学校,希望拿回珍珠。没想到阿志得知秘密后就算被吓坏了,还是依然与小美展开了一段唯美的人鱼恋。纸包不住火,小美的秘密最后让校长(郑则士 饰)知道了,校长决定抓住小美。虽然阿志极力救出阿美,他们的恋情却又遭到了挑战。
教师阿志(郑伊健 饰)自小怕水,国产一次溺水被人鱼小美(钟丽缇 饰)所救,国产小美体内的珍珠却被阿志误吞下肚。失去了珍珠的小美无法回到大海,只好假扮学生进入了阿志所在的学校,希望拿回珍珠。没想到阿志得知秘密后就算被吓坏了,还是依然与小美展开了一段唯美的人鱼恋。纸包不住火,小美的秘密最后让校长(郑则士 饰)知道了,校长决定抓住小美。虽然阿志极力救出阿美,他们的恋情却又遭到了挑战。
回复 :The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to be going well, although the endless flights and bouts of "jet lag" are beginning to upset the young woman’s biorhythms, especially her sleep. One day, in a corridor in Nice airport, she randomly crosses paths with Ana, a photographer she’d had a passionate affair with twenty years earlier. Estelle has no way of knowing that this reunion will suck her into a nightmaresque spiral and lure her life into irrationality...
回复 :Biologist and extreme angler, Jeremy Wade, is on the hunt for freshwater fish with a taste for human flesh. Jeremy travels the globe risking life and limb, to investigate freshwater mysteries and uncover the truth about the dark secrets of our planet's rivers.
回复 :铁拐李(曾伟权饰)、汉钟离(蔡国庆饰)、张果老(梁汉威饰)、蓝采和(林迪安饰)、吕洞宾(潘志文饰)、韩湘子(唐品昌饰)、何仙姑(阮佩珍饰)和曹国舅(凌文海饰),在成仙入道之前皆为凡人。八人经仙人的点化成仙,遂开始了他们斩妖驱邪,锄恶扬善的救世故事。本部于1985年播出,由香港亚视推出的三十集电视连续剧《八仙过海》,改编自脍炙人口的民间传说八仙过海。八仙过海是八仙最广为流传的故事之一。在传说中,八仙各有不同的法器,铁拐李有铁杖及葫芦,汉钟离有芭蕉扇,张果老有纸叠驴,蓝采和有花篮,何仙姑有莲花,吕洞宾有长剑,韩湘子有横笛,曹国舅有玉板。他们随身所携带的法器各有妙用,都是为天下苍生请命造福,在世间也留下了许多美丽的传说。