回复 :由徐寶華執導的經典電影,演員陣容包括莫少聰、周慧敏與徐寶華,有大量動作與槍戰場面,故事講述曾擔任菲律賓領袖的保鑣,後來領袖失勢流落到香港以殺手為業,為付擔病重妻子的醫藥費,莫少聰只好不停殺人。某次任務中,莫少聰愛僱刺殺一名污點証人,卻被記者周慧敏被到,黑道組織知悉殺手已被認出,遭警方重重包圍,於是派出其他殺手欲殺人滅口,莫少聰挾持徐寶華逃亡,到醫院接愛妻途中被黑道發現,莫奮戰滅掉所有敵人但仍不支倒地,被莫愛妻之情感動的周慧敏與徐寶華悉心照顧莫,趕回醫院的他發現愛妻已被殺害,於是大開殺戒,誓言為愛妻復仇...
回复 :此片拍於八十年代,由剛讀完訓練班的劉德華、嚴秋華分飾兩兄弟,而年方十六歲的劉美君,則扮演由越南偷渡來港的少女,且有大膽暴露演出。故事圍繞兩兄弟和一個難民營內的越南少女的反叛愛情關係,題材敏惑,充滿戾氣。岳華飾劉、嚴父親,任職監獄署,與妻離婚後打算再娶女友錢慧儀,令原巳反叛的兒子更反叛,以致兩個兒子走向毀滅之路……
回复 :Golden Bear winner Peter Mackie Burns has started shooting his London-set debut feature Daphne, production company The Bureau has revealed.Emily Beecham [pictured] - who features in the cast of Berlinale opening film Hail, Caesar! - plays the titular Daphne, a young Londoner with a frenetic lifestyle who decides she needs to change her life after witnessing a violent robbery.The Bureau producers Tristan Goligher and Valentina Brazzini developed the project in-house. The BFI and Creative Scotland are the main financiers of the film, together with The Bureau.The company’s Paris-based sister company, The Bureau Sales, is handling international rights.Mackie Burns won the Golden Bear for best short film in 2005 for Milk, about a girl trying to bathe her grandmother.Nico Mensinga wrote the screenplay for Daphne in his second collaboration with Mackie Burns after the short Happy Birthday To Me, also starring Beecham.The Daphne shoot kicks-off amid a high-profile year for The Bureau following the success of Andrew Haigh’s 45 Years, which won two Silver Bears for the lead performances of Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtenay in Berlin last year, with Rampling also receiving an Oscar nomination, and is up for Outstanding British Film at tonight’s Baftas.“Peter Mackie Burns has made some visceral performance driven shorts including the award-winning Milk,” said Lizzie Francke, BFI senior production and development executive. “It is great to be able to support him on the next stage of his film career