《马库巴性经》Macumba Sexual 西班牙传奇色导Jess Franco1983年的一部,黄石这老鸭嫩的拍过180多部色情片,用过几十个化名....
《马库巴性经》Macumba Sexual 西班牙传奇色导Jess Franco1983年的一部,黄石这老鸭嫩的拍过180多部色情片,用过几十个化名....
回复 :诺拉•达林是个住在纽约布鲁克林区的年轻黑人妇女。她与三个男人有性关系:体贴但保护过度的杰米;富有但傲慢的格里尔;风趣但幼稚的马斯。三人都想独占她的爱,但诺拉想维持她的独立,拒绝选定一个单一伴侣。三个追求者的急躁——和不安全感——迫使她做出选择,但不久后,她开始怀疑自己是否选择了那个正确的人,甚至怀疑她到底需不需要一个男人。
回复 :二战后期,在地中海的某个小岛,某舰艇上有一群意大利守卫负责守卫这个军事重地。然而,这群被战争遗忘的士兵无意中闯入了一座小镇,他们发现那里的居民并没有被战争侵袭,依旧过着无忧无虑的生活。起初,这几个士兵总是提心吊胆,生怕有外敌入侵,因为误会还差点搞出人命。熟悉环境后,中尉干脆决定在这里安营扎寨。他们慢慢熟悉了这里的生活,有的踢球,有的绘画,有的读书,有的跳水,甚至上尉还爱上了一个当地的妓女(凡娜•巴伯 Vanna Barba 饰),他们一起调情,共同享受着男女之欢,但惟独没有肌肤之亲,因为上尉对她动了真感情……本片获64届奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。
回复 :Four characters with dreams passions and desires but with the fear of becoming adults in today's Mexico City. MARTIN is a young man in love with a girl he barely knows, named Cris, who has shut him out of her social networks. He wants to scream his love out to the world even if the world is trying to quiet him down. DANIEL is a musician turned into a taxi driver after he impregnated his teenage girlfriend. The day he decides to become a responsible grown up will be one of the unluckiest days of his life. DULCE is an aggressive bully in high school, but deep inside she sees herself as a nice girl who deserves to be loved and she's ready to loose her virginity with the first guy who is willing to take it. PEDRO is a boy with a disappointed view of the world of the adults, who has decided to stop speaking as a normal person and starts his own language. All of them have this irritant obstacle in common: The adults.