回复 :出品单位: 福建电影制片厂本片根据新中国成立60周年国庆首都阅兵三军女兵方队的真人、真事、真实场景拍摄,演员全部由受阅女兵本色出演。影片以围绕主人公三军女兵方队预备领队程诚的训练生活为故事线索,展开对三军女兵方队为迎接祖国60周年阅兵的训练生活。围绕辛勤、坚持、忍耐面对失落等心理刻画细节,展现女兵们的阅兵训生活里辛勤耕耘的全过程。从不同角度,不同侧面的展现了女兵训练过程的举手投足……
回复 :Philippe Clarence, a famous Parisian dressmaker, seduces his friend's fiancee. But, for the 1st time in his life, this is for real. The film is also a sharp picture of the fashion world.A philandering young dress designer plays fast and loose with the hearts of all the fair maidens he encounters, and leaves them in a Paris lurch. But when he meets the fiancée of his best friend, he falls deeply and truly in love with her. The girl is soon faced with two choices; marry the reliable fiancée whom she doesn't love, or run off with the dress designer with whom she is infatuated. She sees that she also has a third option and makes the wise choice...she rejects both. The dress designer is not too well equipped for accepting rejection, and he makes a bad decision.
回复 :本片为邵氏一部很经典的早期恐怖作品,导演孙仲把一个普通的冤鬼复仇的故事拍得百转千回扣人心弦.不光极尽恐怖惊悚邪异奇幻之能事,还几乎都是打着讽喻人世间情仇爱恨的招魂幡做警示恒言,这也增加了影片在故事上的可看度以及现实感.本片挂靠着尸变,红衣厉鬼,僵尸的元素上演了一段复仇戏码,小镇就几乎像是当时香港社会的缩影