回复 :故事主要讲述出身昆仑星的少年术师缇可只身携带龙图来到地球,希望收服24节气守护灵,挽救故乡的危机。阴差阳错之下,龙图落到地球小男孩夏天手里,并承认其为主人。在收服守护灵的过程中,形形色色或敌或友的角色纷纷登场。缇可、夏天结识了众多朋友,也遭遇了重重挫折,同时,隐藏在龙图之中的惊人真相开始逐渐显现。
回复 :《东方少年之击斗战车》是视美动画公司继《夏桥街》《月尘》《缇可》《莫莫》《弹珠传说》后推出的又一新年新作,这部动画揭示了一群懵懂少年的成长历程,他们由害怕失败到勇敢无畏,与恶势力斗争,为梦想和希望拼搏!最后通过自己的努力,获得了最终的胜利。
回复 :In a magical universe, witches, warriors begin fighting in the name of good .vs. evil! A group of five teenaged girls where choosen to defend the universe with their magical powers. They're smart, They're stylish and they are magical fairies, They are the Winx Club! The Winx Club must defend their universe from having it be turned into darkness and terror by the Senior Witches. The magic is in you on the Winx Club. Written by Stuart Brewer