20 多岁的奥伊在曼谷老城区开了一家炒面馆。有一天,桃野她收到了一份邀请 — 离开家里的炒面馆并加入“饥饿”团队。这是泰国排名第一的豪华主厨团队,桃野由有才但没品的主厨保罗领导。
20 多岁的奥伊在曼谷老城区开了一家炒面馆。有一天,桃野她收到了一份邀请 — 离开家里的炒面馆并加入“饥饿”团队。这是泰国排名第一的豪华主厨团队,桃野由有才但没品的主厨保罗领导。
回复 :一名上班族被漂亮的实习生迷得神魂颠倒,于是追随对方来到一处充斥着古怪势力的沙漠度假村。
回复 :8-year old Oskar lives in a family-run children's home. Every day he escapes to the world of his own imagination. His idol is the hero of a tv series, Detective Bruno. On the day of his birthday, the boy receives a treasure-hunt clue left behind by his late parents. Oskar decides to hire Detective Bruno, his favourite TV series character, to solve the quest. Real-life Bruno, the worn- out actor in PR crisis, decides to use Oscar to rebuild his image. They embark on an urban adventure through Warsaw. The journey makes Bruno change his ways and helps Oskar cope with the loss of his parents.
回复 :故事关于人的激情与嫉妒,贪婪与欲望,根据一个模糊的当地传说改编。卢西亚诺(Luciano)生活在19世纪末20世纪初的偏远意大利村庄里,被斥为"疯子、贵族、圣人和醉汉"。因同掌权者与贵族的冲突被流放至火地岛,卢西亚诺在无情的淘金者及螃蟹的帮助下,寻找神秘的宝藏。然而,在这些贫瘠的土地上,只有贪婪和疯狂才能盛行。