回复 :原夏(涂冰 饰)虽在逆境中成长,却始终心向暖阳,与魏子期(樊治欣 饰)双向奔赴、双向救赎,穿越时空,在无数个平行宇宙里,一次又一次拯救对方、爱上对方。
回复 :游戏公司美工狗历夏因一次巧合作为内测玩家进入新开发游戏,却因游戏BUG无法退出,经历了从倒夜壶的丑宫女开始的逆袭之路,她与天子杨墨相爱相杀,吊打北境公主松月樱等一干强敌,最终得知,退出游戏的唯一方法竟是心上人男主的死亡…原著小说和改编动漫人气十足,《深宫丑女》有着穿越+玛丽苏的硬通货元素,同时添加了更为新鲜的恋爱养成游戏穿越。史上最暖萌的皇帝、最具代入感的女主,令人眼花缭乱的美食盛宴、耳目一新的甜宠情节,让人欲罢不能、大呼过瘾!
回复 :Ali Nejat Karasu is a former race-driver and a playboy turned into a businessman. He runs Karas Holdings which is part of a group his father built while making a fortune in ship building. His real passion is still cars and he dreams of launching a new car. While on business trip in Italy with his friend Ayhan, they come across Naz, a charming pediatrician who makes an impression on both of them. Due to unforeseen circumstances Ali Nejat finds himself as a single father to his previously unknown son, Kaan. While trying to balance his life as a new father and a businessman, Ali Nejat ends up leaning on Naz for help. Naz, whom Kaan has met before, becomes important person in their lives. Umut, Naz's husband, works as a mechanic with Genco and Isot in a small local garage which is struggling to stay in business. His skills as a designer gets the attention of Ali Nejat, who hires him as a designer for his car project. Bad decisions in business keep haunting Umut and Genco, and cause a ...