回复 :本作的主人公都仓碧是一名大学一年级学生,他在自己曾偶然进入的一家名为“Rainy color”的咖啡店打工。在那里,有很酷的帅哥岩濑启一、轻率的樱木凉太、温和的“Rainy color”的老板古贺西昂,以及很自由奔放的业主天见浩司。就这样,围绕“Rainy color”展开的充满热情的喜剧正式开演。
回复 :故事发生在阿拉德历977年,巴隆(近藤隆 配音)因为受到了卡赞的诅咒而致使左手“鬼化”,成为了不详和灾祸的象征,因而遭到了村民的驱逐,被迫离开家乡。和附身在巨剑上的精灵罗克希(渡边明乃 配音)一起,巴隆踏上了旅途,希望能够找到解开诅咒的办法。正直勇敢的神枪手卡本西斯(铃村健一 配音)、活泼开朗的女格斗家纽梅(野川樱 配音)、率真直爽的魔法师依克希尔(辻亚由美 配音)、热情喜感的牧师杰达(黑田崇矢 配音)、同样身中诅咒的阿甘左(浜田贤二 配音),一路上,巴隆结识了各种各样的伙伴,一行人在无畏之中前行,渐渐抵达事件的真相。
回复 :In the Season 15 premiere of HELL'S KITCHEN, Chef Gordon Ramsay welcomes the newest bunch of contestants into the kitchen. The steaks are high when the contestants travel to Las Vegas and see the kitchen where this season's winner will work as a Head Chef: BLT Steak at Bally's Las Vegas. And, for the first time in HELL'S KITCHEN history, they will compete in that kitchen for the signature dish team challenge. The winning team will earn a ride on the High Roller - the world's tallest Ferris wheel - and get VIP service at Drai's Nightclub, while the losing team prepares a Vegas buffet service, which includes peeling 50 lbs. of shrimp and 1,000 lbs. of potatoes. Later, during their first dinner service, one of the teams will fail early on in the service, prompting Chef Ramsay to kick them out of the kitchen. Find out which contestants will be safe from elimination and whose luck will run out.