日韩Reenactments drive this documentary investigating the mastermind behind a scam to sneak the kids of rich and famous families into top US universities.
日韩Reenactments drive this documentary investigating the mastermind behind a scam to sneak the kids of rich and famous families into top US universities.
回复 :Seemingly perfect high school senior, Olivia, struggles with grief from the recent loss of a friend. When she gets deferred from her dream college she begins to spiral and experiences a series of increasingly frightening panic attacks. In an attempt to regain some sense of control, she embarks on a social media-fueled rampage against those that stand in the way of her success b...
回复 :加拿大5名刚参加完婚礼的年轻人驱车返回,在接近美国边境的路段,他们被一辆边境警察的车拦下了,他们命令车辆停下,例行公事检查了ID。这些边境警察看起来很可疑,提问也变得愈加严厉。其中一名年轻人的出身好像吸引了警察们的注意,甚至惹恼了他们。年轻人们都尽量克制着,毕竟五人什么都没做错,除了车灯坏了,除了“被”发现藏有大麻。但紧接着,冲突升级了。其中一名女孩想上车拿药,却被警察阻止了,他们开始凶相毕露。年轻人们都被铐上手铐了。女孩开始反抗,很快就被当场侮辱性搜身。接着警察又怀疑随行的小狗身上携带毒品,就用刀给它开膛破肚。局势开始失去控制,警察开枪了,并将这群年轻人统统拘捕,带到林子深处的一个特殊的牢房里。那里安放着很多铁笼子。而噩梦才刚刚开始。
回复 :根据Madeleine St John所著同名畅销小说改编,设定在1959年的悉尼夏季,在澳大利亚的文化觉醒、阶级结构瓦解和妇女解放的背景下,讲述郊区女学生丽莎的成长故事。丽莎在等待高考成绩、梦想着去悉尼大学时,在一家大型百货商店打暑期工,与一群女售货员并肩工作,在此期间打开了眼界,也发生了蜕变。