回复 :患有阿尔茨海默症的文姬奶奶,目睹了孙女的车祸现场,为了找出肇事逃逸者,文姬努力对抗病症回忆案发细节,和儿子一同踏上了逗趣又温情的追凶之路。
回复 :一部深刻的波兰社会讽刺片中,讲述一个按摩师成为华沙上流社会的大师的故事。单身的乌克兰移民泽尼亚在波兰做按摩师,专心在华沙上层社会上门服务。没过多久,这个有着有趣口音的神秘陌生人就在平淡无奇的封闭社区里备受追捧。据说他的眼睛可以直视灵魂,双手能够施展魔法。而他的客户越多, 他就越像一个改变当地生活的大师一样备受尊敬。
回复 :Prom Pact is set at the height of prom season. High school senior Mandy Coleman and her best friend and fellow outsider Ben are surrounded by over-the-top '80s-themed Promposals. However, Mandy keeps her eyes focused on a different goal: her lifelong dream of attending Harvard. When she finds out her acceptance has been deferred, she is determined to do whatever she can do to get herself off the waitlist, even if that means asking for help from the one person she abhors - popular all-star jock Graham Lansing, whose father is a powerful senator and Harvard alum. Once Mandy becomes Graham's tutor, she begins to realize there's more to him than she thought and perhaps something more to life than Harvard.