在平田周造(桥爪功 饰)与妻子富子(吉行和子 饰)闹离婚后的数年,亚洲长男幸之助夫妇担心高龄者的危险驾驶,亚洲计划让老爸周造还掉自己的驾照,然而顽固的周造偏不还,让平田家族里再次蒙上不安的氛围。某日,周造与居酒屋女老板和开车回到故乡广岛的同级生丸田吟平偶遇,丸田已经变成落寞的孤 寡老人,周造组织了场同学聚会设法让丸田过得快乐,丸田在感动之余倾诉了他这些年的遭遇,当晚在睡梦中离世。……
在平田周造(桥爪功 饰)与妻子富子(吉行和子 饰)闹离婚后的数年,亚洲长男幸之助夫妇担心高龄者的危险驾驶,亚洲计划让老爸周造还掉自己的驾照,然而顽固的周造偏不还,让平田家族里再次蒙上不安的氛围。某日,周造与居酒屋女老板和开车回到故乡广岛的同级生丸田吟平偶遇,丸田已经变成落寞的孤 寡老人,周造组织了场同学聚会设法让丸田过得快乐,丸田在感动之余倾诉了他这些年的遭遇,当晚在睡梦中离世。……
回复 :After serving two years on a military outpost in the middle of an ocean – four soldiers are waiting for a new crew to replace them. When the long-awaited boat finally appears, it’s empty with no relief on board. When trying to find out what happened to the boat and the missing crew, they realize they’ve lost all communications with home. Cut off from the rest of the world and n...
回复 :15岁的高中生米亚(安妮•海瑟薇 饰)与母亲生活在美国,但她十分不自信,也常常遭到同学的嘲笑。就在她16岁生日那天,她与祖母(茱莉•安德鲁 饰)见面后发现这个优雅的女士是欧洲小国吉诺维亚的女王,米亚正是这个国度的公主。刚开始米亚十分不愿,在母亲的调解下米亚的态度才有所缓 和。为了可以顺利继承王位,女王不得不对孙女进行一系列的改变,令平时生活便不拘小节的米亚十分困扰,甚至跟好朋友之间也发生了冲突。但米亚的身份被揭露了,她一下子受到了媒体的高度关注。突如其来的一切让米亚想逃避一切,幸好在父亲的日记里,她重拾了自信。米亚成为了公主,也找到了自己想要的爱情。
回复 :Nick and Nora's hopes for a pleasant afternoon at the local race track are dashed when a jockey is found shot dead in the locker room. Nick's friend Lt. Abrams wants him to help out but Nick is enjoying the good life too much to get involved. However, he is subsequently approached by Major Scully to look into corruption and the role of organized crime in gambling. Others are killed but in the end, Nick gathers all of the suspects into a room and identifies the killer.